
an uncompleted list of what I like about you

1. I like the way you giggle, as if you’ve never done so before and you’re trying to learn how
2. I like that you know bits of something about everything
3. I like you tapping your fingers on the messenger bag from time to time
4. I like your good temper
5. I like you would pretend to be tongue-tied so as to shift the topic
6. I like to watch your long fingers gently rubbing the back of your other hand
7. I like that you are less motivated by the outcomes and more by the process
8. I like that you are more intelligent than me
9. I like when you singing off-key, almost each and every time, and yet you enjoy it not one percent less
10. I like how reassuring it sounds when you offer to do something, cuz’ you will do it
11. I like you don’t search for topics when there’s nothing to talk about, and you look so awkwardly adorable at those quiet moments
12. I like your goofy black rimmed glasses with no glass
13. I like how you looked at me when I stole the glasses and tried them on
14. I like your innocent trust on strangers
15. I like that you don’t brag like other boys often times do
16. I like you show your inner Mr. Peacock by playing with words on those social occasions
17. I like your natural full lips
18. I like you always hunching the shoulder even when you leap like a deer
19. I like when you dance about your love for animation, even though I don’t have a clue where the excitement comes from
20. I like your fluffy hair, and you ridiculously girly hair style
21. I like that there’s always YOU I could think of when I am unsure…about anything
22. I like the quote from our mutual friend that we were in sync on the shoes we got, the bag we carried, and the smile we wore
23. I like that you blushed on that quote immediately, and later smiled to yourself when (you thought) no one was looking
24. I like you are fully aware of that when I’m being self-protective and not genuine at all
25. I like that you can sit quietly by my side when I am attracted to those handsome faces on those big screens
26. I like that we can have comfortable silences
27. I like the childish handwriting on the postcard you sent to me
28. I like the implicit way you responded to my confession
29. No, in fact I don’t appreciate it at all
30. I like the unspoken consensus that we won’t push it forward and that we will just keep it as it is
31. And that’s also a lie


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